Unveiling the Target Operating Model (TOM)

Ever wondered how successful companies align their strategy with their day-to-day operations?

It all starts with a robust Target Operating Model (TOM).

TOMs act as a blueprint for organisational design, ensuring that all resources, processes, and technologies are in sync to achieve business goals.

They create clarity for stakeholders about the future operating state of an organisation.

They make it clear what the difference is between the current “as is” state and the future “to be” state, the one that will exist and function after the change implementation.

TOMs show stakeholders how the strategy makes the future look and work differently from the present, in easy to visualise and practical terms.

At its core, a TOM helps businesses:

–       Boost efficiency by streamlining operations

–       Enhance agility to respond swiftly to market changes

–       Improve customer satisfaction by aligning services with customer needs

TOM isn’t just for large enterprises.

SMEs can leverage it to scale effectively and sustainably.

Curious about how TOM can transform your business?

Dive deeper into its components in our upcoming posts

To help you develop your own Target Operating Model, The Sixsess Consultancy offers both in-organisation and offsite bespoke TOM training courses.

Learn more about our comprehensive training programs – click the “Get Started” button on The Sixsess Consultancy LinkedIn page or call us on 023 8212 1891.

And take a look at our About page:

How does your organisation align strategy with operations? Share your thoughts in the comments below…..

Barry Eustance CMgr MCMI
The Sixsess Consultancy
Empowering Clients to Seize Opportunity from Change
Aviation & Airline | Change & Transformation | Business | Management

More Insights

Part 2: How to Align Your Strategy with Your Target Operating Model image of the words over a red background saying "purpose"

Struggling to connect your business strategy with daily operations?

Discover how a tailored  Target Operating Model can transform your organisation’s future…..

You Need
Our 3-Day Residential Target Operating Model (TOM) Training Course

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