Story Telling has Been the Most Powerful Medium of Human Communication for Tens of Thousands of Years

As each of us knows, it’s also one of the most persuasive tools you can use in your daily communications, whether you’re using it in your professional or personal life.

All the great leaders of our time, and in history, have used effective story telling to engage, inspiring and motivate those they serve.

Whether you want (and need) to step it up to the next level in personal interactions, presentations, sales pitches, books, marketing (including social media), movies, audio and more besides, the value to you and the techniques you really need, and the, will deliver again and again, are all here.

Simon Raybould’s “StoryMaking” is a rare discovery.

Like a precious gem it’s not large, but it is incredibly valuable to anyone who wants to elevate their communications to a new, and extremely influential, level.

Simon Raybould, a TEDx speaker, narrates the story that guides us gently through Attention, Rapport and Understanding stories (and how to effectively balance them), to Story Mining, and Curating mined stories, he shows us how to use the “SOAP ladder” model (Self stories, Other stories, Audience stories, Planted stories) to deploy our stories to be of the compelling, and of real value to both story teller, and their audience.

He also notes that even in TEDx talks, stories support content, rather than being the content.

“StoryMaking” passes on the importance of filtering our stories.

It stresses the need to vary the emotions conveyed in them, and how to structure our communications, using three very important models of story telling, to drive impact and retention.

Raybould also passes on other models such as PREP (Point, Reason, Example, Point) and HEAT (Hook, Example, Arguments, Takeaway).

The book details prioritisation formats that help us to plan ahead. Which stories to use (and when), and stories to definitely avoid (and why).

These are part of a series of really valuable exercises that are appended to the text (and referenced contextually throughout).

All gently wrapped in an easy-read lyrical delivery, in a hundred and forty one pages, and with really useful exercises to anchor the techniques.

Simon Raybould’s “StoryMaking” is a “don’t leave home without it” field guide for the serious communicator, and with great personal follow-up options with the author.

Use it in every medium of communication, from the spoken word, through to presentations, books, audio, visual and even to non-verbal communications.

“StoryMaking is a must-have, must-use companion for anyone and everyone serious about using the influence and power of storytelling.

To acquire StoryMaking:

My recent podcast with Simon Raybould :

Barry Eustance
Principal Consultant
The Sixsess Consultancy
Tel: 023 8212 1891
