Post 5 of 9: Activating Resources for Impactful Execution

Post 5 of 9: Activating Resources for Impactful Execution

Once the foundation has been set, it’s time to turn planning into action. Mobilising the right resources—time, budget, and people—is key to successful execution.

But it’s not just about allocation; it’s about empowering teams to make decisions and take ownership of their roles in the change process.

Organisations must ensure that all teams are equipped with the right skills and tools to carry out their tasks effectively.

Workshops and continuous learning opportunities are great ways to empower employees, building confidence and capability across the organisation.

Next, we’ll explore how to ensure this change becomes ingrained in everyday operations and culture.

The Sixsess Consultancy is now offering the following course on either a residential or in-house basis:

1) Target Operating Model (TOM) and Alignment with Strategy (available now – see the following link for more information or to register interest in attending our Target Operating Model courses):

The Sixsess Consultancy’s Target Operating Model Courses Information Page

2) Effect Strategic Planning, Execution and Alignment with Target Operating Model

3) Leadership and Change – Seizing Opportunity from Change and Transformation

4) Interest Based Negotiations and Industrial Relations

For more information, click the link above or contact us now.

Many thanks.

Barry Eustance
Principal Consultant
Tel: 023 8212 1891 (UK)

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The Sixsess Consultancy
Empowering Clients to Seize Opportunity from Change
Aviation & Airline | Change & Transformation | Business | Management Consultancy
