Post 9 of 9: Aligning Strategy with the Target Operating Model

Achieving long-term success requires more than vision and leadership—it demands a Target Operating Model (TOM) that aligns strategy with execution.

A well-designed TOM ensures that resources, processes, and teams are structured to support the organisation’s strategic goals.

Organisations must continuously refine and adapt their TOM to respond to changing business environments.

Embedding flexibility into the model allows for agility, enabling the organisation to seize new opportunities and tackle emerging challenges effectively.

With this final piece in place, the continuum of change is complete. Strategy, leadership, and operations align to create a robust framework for ongoing success.

The Sixsess Consultancy is now offering the following course on either a residential or in-house basis:

Target Operating Model (TOM) and Alignment with Strategy (available now – see the following link for more information or to register interest in attending our Target Operating Model courses):

The Sixsess Consultancy’s Target Operating Model Courses Information Page

Effect Strategic Planning, Execution and Alignment with Target Operating Model

Leadership and Change – Seizing Opportunity from Change and Transformation

Interest Based Negotiations and Industrial Relations

For more information, click the link above or contact us now.

Many thanks.

Barry Eustance
Principal Consultant
Tel: 023 8212 1891 (UK)

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The Sixsess Consultancy
Empowering Clients to Seize Opportunity from Change
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Struggling to connect your business strategy with daily operations?

Discover how a tailored  Target Operating Model can transform your organisation’s future…..

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Our 3-Day Residential Target Operating Model (TOM) Training Course

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