What are the human and financial costs of badly executed organisational change programs (Part 1 of 3) – Setting the Scene

What are the human and financial costs of badly executed organisational change programs (Part 1 of 3) - Setting the SceneAdd Your Heading Text Here

In the organisational change environment, the stakes are high, and the path fraught with challenges.

The initial excitement of innovation and growth can quickly become overshadowed by the reality of implementation.

It’s a critical juncture where the foundation of strategy, communication, and leadership is tested.

Without a robust framework, the costs of missteps can be high—financially, culturally, and operationally.

It’s in these early stages that the potential for long-term costs, running into millions or even billions of pounds, if it goes wrong, begins to take shape.

But it’s also at this point that the opportunity for positive change is greatest.

Identifying and addressing the pitfalls early can set the stage for success, saving not just financial resources but also fostering a culture of engagement and trust.

Let’s discuss – what are your thoughts, views, and your experience?

Barry Eustance CMgr MCMI
Kotter Change Leader Certified
Principal Consultant – The Sixsess Consultancy
Empowering Clients to Seize Opportunity from Change

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Part 2: How to Align Your Strategy with Your Target Operating Model image of the words over a red background saying "purpose"

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