The BRICS New Currency and the Shifting Sands of the New World Order


In a rapidly evolving global landscape, economic powerhouses have been redefining their roles and reshaping the dynamics of the international order.

One such significant development is the emergence of the BRICS (Brazil, Russia, India, China, and South Africa) as a formidable alliance, with discussions about a new common currency gaining traction.

This potential new currency holds the promise of altering the foundations of the existing world economic order, fuelling discussions about a new world order where the BRICS bloc could play a pivotal role.

The BRICS Alliance: A Force to Be Reckoned With

The BRICS alliance, originally brought together by the common goals of economic development, has steadily evolved into a geopolitical and economic powerhouse that challenges the status quo.

With combined GDP surpassing US$26.3 trillion and a significant portion (41.5%) of the world’s population, the BRICS nations wield substantial influence over global affairs.

BRICS expansion is on the table – and could eventually grow to include up to 85% of the global population.

This newfound influence has sparked discussions within the alliance about the feasibility of introducing a new common currency.


The Case for a BRICS Common Currency

The idea of a BRICS new commodity-backed currency, in speculative discussions, raises pertinent questions about the feasibility and implications of such a currency.

The question remains whether the “commodity” that backs it will be gold, or a basket of BRICS originated commodities.

Proponents argue that a common currency could bolster economic ties, eliminate exchange rate risks, and facilitate smoother trade and investment flows among member nations.

Additionally, a BRICS common currency could challenge the dominance of the US dollar as the world’s primary reserve currency, offering an alternative for nations seeking to diversify their reserves and mitigate exposure to currency fluctuations.


Challenges and Considerations

While the notion of a BRICS new currency is intriguing, it is not without its challenges.

Firstly, the economic diversity among the BRICS nations presents a significant hurdle.

China’s economic might and trade surplus contrast with the varying economic strengths and vulnerabilities of other member nations.

Harmonising monetary policies and ensuring equitable distribution of benefits would be complex.

Furthermore, the global economic and financial systems are deeply entrenched in the existing order. Introducing a new currency requires overcoming regulatory, logistical, and technological hurdles.

The transition process itself could trigger market volatility and uncertainty, as nations adjust to the new currency’s valuation and its implications on trade and investments.


Geopolitical Ramifications

The potential introduction of a BRICS new currency is not solely an economic matter—it has profound geopolitical implications.

The move could signify a shift away from the traditional dominance of Western powers in shaping the global economic agenda.

As the BRICS nations assert their influence, it could challenge the hegemony of the United States and Europe in global financial institutions such as the International Monetary Fund (IMF) and the World Bank.

Moreover, the introduction of a BRICS common currency could encourage other regional blocs to explore similar initiatives, thus diversifying the global monetary landscape.

This would likely prompt a recalibration of international power dynamics and potentially lead to greater cooperation or competition among these emerging economic players.


Balancing Act: The New World Order

Discussions about a new world order cannot be isolated from the broader geopolitical context.

The current global order, largely shaped by the United States and its Western allies, has faced challenges in recent years, ranging from trade disputes to shifting alliances.

The emergence of a BRICS currency could offer a counterbalance to Western influence, and sanctions, leading to a more multipolar world.

However, achieving a harmonious new world order is far from guaranteed.

It requires a delicate balancing act among various stakeholders, each with their own interests and priorities.

Navigating this transition demands collaboration, diplomacy, and a commitment to maintaining global stability.



The idea of a BRICS currency is emblematic of the changing dynamics in the global economic and political landscape.

While the concept carries promise in terms of economic integration and diversification of the international monetary system, its implementation faces a range of challenges.

The geopolitical ramifications of such a currency are equally significant, potentially leading to a recalibration of global power structures.

The United States had enjoyed the “exorbitant privilege” holding the global reserve currency – the “Petro-dollar”.

A BRICS currency would seriously challenge that, and already, many previously “western aligned” oil producing nations are pivoting toward the BRICS and the Shanghai Co-operation Organisation.

As the BRICS nations continue to assert their influence, the world watches with anticipation to see how this potential new currency will shape the contours of the emerging new world order.

Whether it paves the way for a more multipolar and inclusive global system or presents unforeseen challenges, the journey toward a BRICS common currency is a testament to the ever-evolving nature of international relations in the 21st century.

It is, however, similarly emblematic of the acceleration-of-change facing organisations globally, from the sole proprietor, SMEs, global enterprises to public bodies.

Organisations urgently need to assess their structural ambidexterity, agility and their people’s diverse contribution, to equip themselves and acquire the resilience to seize opportunity from this continuous change and the impending “new world order”.

Our posts and articles found on The Sixsess Consultancy’s Insights page cover the methodologies than can assist you to do just that.

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Barry Eustance CMgr MCMI

Principal Change Practitioner – The Sixsess Consultancy


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