The Age of Acceleration and Your Capability to Equip Your Organisation to Deal with the Relentless Rate of Change
In our previous thirteen posts on change, we’ve highlighted Kotter’s:
1) Four principles of change
2) Eight accelerators of change
3) Dual/hybrid structure, that can significantly elevate your organisation’s core capability to deal with the accelerating rate change that’s coming at you.
“Deal” means “thriving from”, “taking opportunity from”, not “just surviving”.
In the video link below, Dr John Kotter, Chairman of Kotter International and the Konosuke Matsushita Professor of Leadership, Emeritus, at the Harvard Business School explains the concept of the dual organisational structure and how it can transform organisations’ ability to embrace change.
We’d look forward to your thoughts…..
Let’s discuss – what’s YOUR view…?
Barry Eustance CMgr MCMI
Kotter Change Leader Certified
Principal Consultant – The Sixsess Consultancy
Empowering Clients to Seize Opportunity from Change