Change or Chance (Part 1) – Opportunity OR Rolling the Dice….?

Change or Chance (Part 1) - Opportunity OR Rolling the Dice….?

Is leading and managing Change really a game of chance (and what is “Change
Leadership”, anyway)?
With a the reported failure rate (statistics from McKinsey and Harvard
Business Review) what is going wrong with Change initiatives and Change
We have major headline failures in the M&A environment – how can this be
possible when well-run, well-capitalised organisations, engaging well-respected advisors trip in to the “it didn’t work” category.
How do you position your organisation to be repeatedly in the touch-down-
zone of “the park”, rather that the reported also-rans?
Leadership, structure – both organisational and in the Change strategy, and
people engagement.
Well, empirically, and clearly not, as the stats suggest.
And the reason is that there’s a great deal behind each of the words, “Leadership”, “structure” and “people”.
And what is the difference between “Change Leadership” and “Change
Management” – aren’t they the same?
(Well, they’re not, absolutely they’re not).
Take a look at Google keyword search and you’ll find that there are ~10x more
searches for “Change Management” than “Change Leadership”.
Yet this should be reversed because effective delivery of Change requires both.
Change Leadership and Change Management and Change Leadership is critical.
It sets the environment and culture in which Change can be successfully
delivered. It sets the organisational structure and path for sustainable delivery of Change, and it sets the environment where the strategic vision can be created, communicated, and engaged with by its people.
Continuing with the sporting analogy, …..and we haven’t even left the training
ground yet.
So, “Change Leadership”.
Time to up those keyword searches because it is one of the key missing links in
effective Change delivery.
Without it, you’re simply rolling the dice.
Let’s discuss – what are your thoughts? Please comment below…..

Barry Eustance CMgr MCMI
Kotter Change Leader Certified
Principal Consultant – The Sixsess Consultancy
Empowering Clients to Seize Opportunity from Change

More Insights

Part 2: How to Align Your Strategy with Your Target Operating Model image of the words over a red background saying "purpose"

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