I’ve recently read Julie Hodges’ really outstanding book and want to recommend it to you.

I've recently read Julie Hodges' really outstanding book and want to recommend it to you.

People-centric Organizational Change: Engaging Employees with Business Transformation is a really substantial addition to the core references in this critically important field of organisational sustainability.

Julie Hodges’ book provides a very practical field guide for professional change practitioners, and those within businesses and organisations who lead change.

The book is an easy read.

The summaries and notes at the end of each chapter are invaluable for both re-enforcement and review. My own (Kindle) version has hundreds of highlights.

It’s a practical walk through the importance of engaging and inspiring people to lead change.

“People” (and their emotions and needs) are the often forgotten but absolutely key element of change, as Julie Hodges so clearly articulates in the book; from the rationale of placing people at the centre of change, through to practical application of doing so effectively and sustainably.

Stakeholders (people), diversity (people), collaboration (people), wellbeing (people), storytelling (people) – as a highly effective method of communicating (and with eons of history of doing so), the danger of “silence” and the importance of non-verbal communication.

It’s all here – and all relevant.

All emphasise the importance of people in your change or transformation program.

Framing change and transformation as “an opportunity” to create a sea-change in perception and buy-in is really well covered.

Overall, an easy to read and an outstanding, practical contribution to the essential practice of creating successful and sustainable change and transformation.

Change is the only permanent thing in life, and something that’s coming at us faster.

A “must-read” and practical guide for anyone and everyone who is serious about making change work for their people and their organisations.

Excellent.” ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐

The Sixsess Consultancy’s Review of People-Centric Organizational Change
