Burning Platform versus Opportunity Statements in Organisational Change

Burning Platform versus Opportunity Statements in Organisational Change

Examples of burning bridge statements versus opportunity statements white text against a black background with a flame image in the burning bridges column
Opportunity v Burning Bridges

In the throes of organisational change, the words we choose wield immense power.

Burning Platform statements often highlight the negatives – what’s wrong, what’s failing. They can sow fear, resistance, and a sense of loss among team members.

Contrastingly, Opportunity Statements are beacons of hope.

They frame change as a path to new possibilities, emphasising benefits and growth.

Rather than focusing on what’s being left behind, they can and should spotlight the exciting and positive opportunities ahead.

Why Prefer Opportunity Statements in Leading Change?

1. Inspiration Over Fear: They inspire action through positive vision, not fear of loss.

2. Engagement: People are more likely to engage with and support changes they see as beneficial.

3. Resilience: Framing change as an opportunity builds resilience and openness to adapt.

In every change program, the narrative can make or break the initiative.

By choosing Opportunity Statements rather than the “Burning Platform” alternative, leaders can rally their teams around a shared vision of progress and success, paving the way for smoother transitions and stronger buy-in.

Embrace change positively!

What opportunities do you see in the changes your organisation is facing? Like, comment, and share your thoughts below.

Barry Eustance CMgr MCMI
Kotter Change Leader Certified
Principal Consultant – The Sixsess Consultancy
Empowering Clients to Seize Opportunity from Change


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