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Do You Focus on Strategy and Structure or Do You Consider the Emotional Aspect of Change

When you want to undertake an organisational change initiative (no matter how small), do you focus on strategy and structure or do you consider the emotional aspect of change to be a critical part of the program?

When you want to undertake an organisational change initiative (no matter how small), do you focus on strategy and structure or do you consider the emotional aspect of change to be a critical part of the program?

In the world of organisational change and  transformation, the question often arises: when initiating an organisational change, should the focus be solely on strategy and structure, or is the emotional aspect of change just as crucial?

It’s a balancing act that requires more than just a strategic roadmap.

Imagine a ship navigating through uncharted waters. The captain (that’s you) needs a map (your strategy) and a sturdy ship (your structure). But what about the crew? Their morale, fears, and hopes play a pivotal role in the journey’s success.

Change is not just a procedural task; it involves real people with real emotions. Addressing these emotional aspects isn’t just compassionate; it’s strategic. Employees who feel heard and understood are more likely to embrace change and drive it forward. So, as you chart your course for organisational change, remember it’s absolutely critical and central to the success of the initiative to consider not just the ‘what’ and the ‘how’, but also the ‘who’, and their emotions.

And that takes expertise, planning, time and authentic commitment.

What’s your approach to managing the emotional aspect of organisational change? Share your thoughts and experiences.

Barry Eustance CMgr MCMI
Kotter Change Leader Certified
Principal Change & Transformation Consultant
The Sixsess Consultancy

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