Barry Eustance talks to Simon Hartley - CEO of Be World Class - about his life creating world-class performers from Premier League football clubs, Bundesliga clubs, Olympians and business leaders.

Barry Eustance talks to Simon Hartley – CEO of Be World Class – who explains how you and your organisation can be world-class performers, and his life creating world-class performers, from Premier League football clubs, Bundesliga clubs, Olympians, and business leaders.

Simon’s Client Results

 40+ world records world championships and world cup wins have been amassed by our sports clients.

10x uplift on revenue stream in 1 year for a high street bank after a 1 day intensive.

£1M per head average annual sales increase by an insurance sales team after 9 sessions during their first quarter.

What Simon says will truly inspire and empower you. 

Listen now!


 Simon Hartley, CEO of Be World Class, shares his journey in sports psychology and working with elite athletes.

He emphasises the importance of focus, confidence, and motivation in achieving consistent high performance.

Simon also highlights the value of simplicity and prioritisation in achieving success.

Simon’s insights apply not only to sports but also to all fields of endeavour.


  • Focus, confidence, and motivation are key ingredients for consistent high performance.
  • Simplicity and prioritisation are crucial in achieving success.
  • Building evidence and improving in the key areas lead to increased confidence.
  • The top performers in any field share common characteristics and approaches.
  • Success is a process, not just an outcome.



  • Building Confidence through Evidence and Improvement
  • The Common Characteristics of World-Class Performers

 Sound Bites

  • “Focus, confidence, and motivation are the keys.”
  • “Strip it right back.”
  • “Identifying the simple things, the key elements, and prioritising them.”


00:00 Introduction to Simon Hartley and his Background in Sports Psychology

02:48 The Importance of Focus, Confidence, and Motivation in High Performance

06:21 The Power of Simplicity and Prioritisation in Achieving Success

10:08 Building Confidence through Evidence and Improvement

13:22 The Common Characteristics of World-Class Performers

15:28 Success as a Process: Doing the Right Things Consistently

Simon’s Be World Class website

Simon’s LinkedIn

The Sixsess Consultancy’s website

Barry’s LinkedIn


 sports psychology, high performance, focus, confidence, motivation, simplicity, prioritisation, success

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