Embracing Intent-Based Leadership Lessons from Aviation for Navigating Climate Change (PART 1)

Embracing Intent-Based Leadership Lessons from Aviation for Navigating Climate Change (PART 1)

“Two-thirds ahead!” commanded Commander David Marquet aboard the USS Santa Fe.

In response, the second-in-command promptly echoed the order, setting the ship in motion.

However, there was a critical oversight – the Santa Fe, by design, lacked the capability to execute that command.

This incident, as described in the book “Turn the Ship Around” by David Marquet, serves as a compelling illustration of the need for Intent-Based Leadership, and the consequences of a lack of clarity in communicating intent.

In the realm of aviation, Crew Resource Management (CRM) training stands as a cornerstone of our operational preparedness.

Ensuring effective decision-making and communication among the flight crew, CRM training underscores the importance of collaboration, clear communication, and shared situational awareness.

This training is fundamental in cultivating a culture where EVERY member of the flight crew is empowered to contribute to safe and efficient flight operations, aligning seamlessly with the principles of intent-based leadership.

Continued in Part 2 where we discuss Intent-Based Leadership……………..

What are your thought and views? Comments below please

Richard Nanton FRAeS FIoL
Nanton Aviation Consultancy/Carbon NetZero Ltd


Tel: 07584 676762 (UK)

In collaboration with and strategic partner of The Sixsess Consultancy

Barry Eustance CMgr MCMI


Tel: 0238212 1891 (UK)

More Insights

Part 2: How to Align Your Strategy with Your Target Operating Model image of the words over a red background saying "purpose"

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Our 3-Day Residential Target Operating Model (TOM) Training Course

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