Part 1: Embracing Change in This Uncertain and Accelerating Environment

Embracing Change 1

Organisational Change is no longer optional; it’s a necessity.

It’s a fact of life for which we must proactively prepare, and from which to seize opportunity .

In today’s accelerating business environment, companies must continually adapt to stay competitive.

However, change isn’t just about updating processes or introducing new technologies—it’s about a shift in approach.

It requires a deep understanding of the business landscape, a clear vision for the future, and a strategic approach to implementation.

Leaders play a critical role in this transformation.

This is where the distinction between Change Management and Change Leadership becomes crucial.

“Change Management” focuses on the structured processes and tools needed to manage the people side of change, ensuring a smooth transition.

On the other hand, “Change Leadership” is about inspiring and motivating people to embrace the change, driving the vision that leads the organisation toward a new future.

In the following posts, we’ll explore the importance of both Change Management and Change Leadership, and how they complement each other in driving successful transformation.

We’ll also discuss how aligning your leadership style with your organisation’s goals can create a more agile and responsive business.

The Sixsess Consultancy is running a series of Change Leadership courses at the outstanding training facility at New Place Country House & Hotel in Hampshire (previously an IBM training centre).

Discrete courses include:

– Target Operating Model (TOM) and Alignment with Strategy

– Effect Strategic Planning, Execution and Alignment with Target Operating Model

– Leadership and Change – Seizing Opportunity from Change and Transformation

– Interest Based Negotiations and Industrial Relations

To find out more, or to register your interest in attending (or to discuss how we can run your own in-house training programme with us) please click on:

The Sixsess Consultancy Target Operating Model Course Information Page

or call me on the number below, now!

Many thanks.

Barry Eustance CMgr MCMI

Tel: 023 8212 1891 (UK)

The Sixsess Consultancy
Empowering Clients to Seize Opportunity from Change
Aviation & Airline | Change & Transformation | Business | Management
