Because you need our change programs to work the first time, every time
Sixsess Ltd t/a The Sixsess Consultancy: Registered office The Director General’s House, 15 Rockstone Place, Southampton, Hampshire, UK, SO15 2EP
Registered in England, Company Number: 12624264; UK VAT Registration Number: 424306820
Firstly, The Sixsess Consultancy’s “Just Great People Podcast”.
We’re soon launching our “Just Great People” podcast, in which we’ll be chatting to “ordinary” people who’ve gone out and done extraordinary things.
The list is long and we’re intending to produce at least one podcast a week.
The link to the podcast will be in your inbox very soon.
We’ve also used a long-form podcast to build out an example business plan with our Strategic partner Chris Fox, developer of totally integrated business planning and strategy tool
We use StratNavApp daily in our consultancy, and we’ve used our podcast capability to enable StratNavApp users to see an AI powered business plan and strategy build from the scratch to maturity in around 2 ½ hours.
It’s a totally unscripted “live” video.
You can “chunk” it into short sections to help you with your own StratNavApp organisational and business planning.
Have a look
We, and the StratNavApp team, would really appreciate your feedback.
In part 2-5 of this series of posts, we’ll look at our Target Operating Model (TOM) and “Leading Change” residential courses starting in Q4 of 2024.
We’ll also cover our Interest Based negotiation and Industrial Relations programme we’re operating with our Strategic Partner @Nanton Aviation – plus our work together on sustainable aviation initiatives.
And there’s more!
Please DO join us in part 2 tomorrow…..
Kindest regards
Barry Eustance CMgr MCMI
Tel: 023 8212 1891 (UK)
The Sixsess Consultancy
Empowering Clients to Seize Opportunity
from Change
Aviation & Airline | Change & Transformation | Business | Management